Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pokemon X&Y Starters

As many of you have heard, Pokemon X&Y are coming out October 12th 2013.  I have a lot to catch up on and I will try and include more information about these Pokemon as it is confirmed.

The first starter is Chespin, Chespin is a Grass type Pokemon that resembles a mammalian-like creature.  Currently it's believed that Chespin's evolutions will have the Dark sub-type.

 For more information on Chespin go to:

The second is Fennekin, Fennekin is a Fire type Pokemon that resembles a fox much like Vulpix.  Currently it's believed that Fennekin's evolutions will have the Psychic sub-type.

For more information on Fennekin go to:

Finally, the third is Froakie, Froakie is a Water type Pokemon that resembles a frog or toad like the Poliwag evolution line.  Currently it's believed that Froakie's evolutions will have the Fighting sub-type.

For more information on Froakie go to:

Now, you may notice something interesting about the sub-types that have been speculated.  Fire is strong against Grass, of course, but Fennekin's sub-type is Psychic which doesn't affect Chespin's which is Dark.  Dark is also super-effective against Psychic.  This happens with all of their sub-types.  Froakie's is speculated to be Fighting which is super-effective against Dark but weak to Psychic.  Froakie is also weak to Grass and strong against Fire.  This set of sub-types seems to suggest an opposing triangle of weaknesses making you have a better chance against the starter you're weak to.  There's still much unknown about the starters such as their evolutions which haven't been confirmed.  Expect more information in the future.  What's your favorite starter?  You can expect more posts in the future.

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